This is a simple setup guide to enabling Two Factor Authentication (2FA) on Linux SSH login. I this article I wont go deep into setup and issues that I have faced when implementing this. First thing is first Update your system first. I have used Ubuntu 20.04 and it is always up to date. To enable 2FA you need to install google authenticator modules sudo apt install libpam-google-authenticator Configuration for PAM and SSHD Add the the following line to /etc/pam.d/sshd and After adding this line please restart the sshd services. auth required Go to /etc/ssh/sshd_config and check if the following line exist. Default value will be "no" so change it to "yes" to activate. ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes Configuration for Authenticator In the terminal run google authenticator command It will ask few things to acknowledge by user. Details you can see from the below video. Once this part is done you are ready to use the 2FA in ubuntu. T...
These days i am trying some experiments with infrared lights. Its not visible to naked eyes and normally uses a camera to see the light. If you want to try that, get an infrared LED and power it up and use a web cam or any type of camera to see it. This is interesting thing.
I use infrared to make a remote control. RX and TX side will have a micro controller. TX will send date to RX and RX will do the rest. Now the TX part is totally completed by experimenting, still RX side experiments are going on. cause i need to make the code looks nice and short. Once this is finished you guys can have a try... ;)
I use infrared to make a remote control. RX and TX side will have a micro controller. TX will send date to RX and RX will do the rest. Now the TX part is totally completed by experimenting, still RX side experiments are going on. cause i need to make the code looks nice and short. Once this is finished you guys can have a try... ;)
