This is a simple setup guide to enabling Two Factor Authentication (2FA) on Linux SSH login. I this article I wont go deep into setup and issues that I have faced when implementing this. First thing is first Update your system first. I have used Ubuntu 20.04 and it is always up to date. To enable 2FA you need to install google authenticator modules sudo apt install libpam-google-authenticator Configuration for PAM and SSHD Add the the following line to /etc/pam.d/sshd and After adding this line please restart the sshd services. auth required Go to /etc/ssh/sshd_config and check if the following line exist. Default value will be "no" so change it to "yes" to activate. ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes Configuration for Authenticator In the terminal run google authenticator command It will ask few things to acknowledge by user. Details you can see from the below video. Once this part is done you are ready to use the 2FA in ubuntu. T...
What is docker?

You can run container as simple as docker run imagename or complex with ports and storage etc. as above.

From docker you can run complex test environments or production environment with couple of YAML scripts by using docker file and docker composer, which is bit complex and that's for some another blogpost.
Docker is a set of platform as a service products that uses OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Containers are isolated from one another and bundle their own software, libraries and configuration files; they can communicate with each other through well-defined channels
How to setup and run your first docker image?
First install the docker for your preferred operating system. I have done my setup on ubuntu and that's my preference. Here is official docker website link for supported platforms and how to proceed installation.
In docker you can run any microservices that you like and you can build your own images to run in the docker. Docker hub is a such a place which have thousands of images of microservices that can be run in seconds. By running docker you can run containers for each service you need to run.
For example, if you want to run mysql, php, python, nodejs, or your flask application etc.. you need to just run a docker command to start and stop a container you like.
To check the images you already have you type the following command. The below screenshot will not be same for you, because I have multiple images which I have tested. For more images please visit Dockerhub
This command will pull the image from docker hub to your docker host
docker run imagename
Some basic commands
docker ps
docker ps command will show running containers. If nothing is running it will be empty

docker ps -a
docker ps -a command will show both running and stopped containers.

docker run -i --rm --name viberbotz -p 5000:5000 viber-python
You can run container as simple as docker run imagename or complex with ports and storage etc. as above.
viberbotz - this is just a name given to the container
5000:5000 - define the ports you want to expose
5000:5000 - define the ports you want to expose
viber-python - this is image name which i build. You can give custom names when you build an image

I hope this will help and will help to anyone that would like to try docker or microservices. This is just basic commands and there are much more commands like docker build, docker start, docker stop and etc. I haven't gone through all the commands. Please refer original docker documentations.